We have taken a new hobby which is WW II armored war games. Loosely built on FoW and the Amourfast's rules Tanks! we've built our own set of rules.
The main focus on these war games are the tanks. I'm basically the only one in our little hobby group who paint the tanks. So i've done Russian, U.S. and German armour. My brother and i are collecting the Germans.These tanks i painted for his birthday;
All models are 1:72 or 20mm.
First up this Pegasus Models Pz. Kpfw. VI ausf. B Tiger II or Königstiger #221 in a wintercamo.
I've painted several tanks in winter-camouflage and i like it very much. It is just a very watered down white paint and brushed on the tank. add scratches and rust and Bjørn's your uncle.
The snowy base is not great. next time i'll do a base with grasses and little patches of snow.
Next this Pz. Kpfw. VI ausf. B Tiger II or Königstiger #223 rushed into action straight from the factory. (also Pegasus Models)
This is my first try at primer red / brown tanks.
It's not too bad, but needs more red or somthing. It just doesn't have the right feel.
The chalked numbers and the uniform of the German tank commander i'm happy with.
Last heavy is this Pegasus Models Pz. Kpfw. VI ausf. B Tiger II or Königstiger #222 in a late ambush camouflage.
This camouflage works. I've seen a lot of examples and i free-handed with brush.
Last a partially scratch build Aufklärungspanzer 38(t), the body taken from a Pegasus Models Pz. Kpfw, 38(t), some plastic card and a turret of PSC's 250/9 "Alte".
The reason for building this one is that my kin can now make full use of the awesome gun of his zug of Königstiger. This little tank can spot hidden tanks and relay the info back to the waiting Heavy tanks.