donderdag 29 september 2016

Something new.. ah well

Some time ago Bjørn gave me these little tanks. Which appear to be completely useless in our war-game setting, because they can't even dent a T-26 let alone scratch an early T-34.
But still i like them very much. The Heer still fielded a huge amount of these obsolete-to-start-with-tanks in her blitzkrieg up to operation Barbarossa.

The models are: Pz. Befw. I ausf. B First to Fight and the two Pz. Kpfw. I B are S-Models which i got from my friend for painting his T-26 group.
There is some scratch building and PSC stowage. Decals are Dom's Decals 15mm which fit the Pz I's just fine.

These little tanks are part of my 5th Kompanie, 2nd Zug.

detail of spare tracks stowage

the bucket

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